Thank You Lord! Morning Thoughts on 5/16/2019

Why I Thank The Lord

Everyday I wake up is a day to give thanks. In respect and reverence I bow before Father God in the Name of Christ giving thanks for the moment of clarity that I have been given.

This morning I was listening to what some might call "old-school" Gospel music. To me, it is music that builds me up and encourages me through my day. Songs and hymns that I find myself singing or humming through out the day, giving thanks.

Be encouraged, for the Lord your God is with you. Give thanks for all that He, our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. The song above is a song focused upon that subject; giving thanks for all the things that the Lord has done for you.

The song is by Benita Washington, "Thank You". It is thanking Him for all the things He has done for you. When I think about the place that I came from, the valley of the shadow of death I walked through... how can I not praise God and thank Him?

So... may you be encouraged in your day today. Stand firm on the Word, and resolute in your belief. May the Lord be with you in all things. Amen.


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