Thank You LORD

Thank You LORD

A lot is happening in the world today. We must seek the LORD in all we do. Right now I pray for those who have been impacted by this violence and hatred. I don't have all the answers, but I know I trust in the LORD when my faith gets weak.

In my weakness He is my strength. In Him I place my confidence. How can I not trust in the LORD my GOD in such a trying time. It seems there is so much evil out here trying to work against the church. We as believers must learn to stand. You may be asking, what do I mean by stand?

 Luke 21:19New International Version (NIV)

19 Stand firm, and you will win life.

Life brings deviation. However, we in the Church are in a fixed position. We must stand still and know that He is God. Stand firm and resolute in the faith, in spite of the circumstances that may surround you.

You must become like the three Hebrew boys faced with the impending threat of the fiery furnace. Stand firm and trust in God. And... even if the LORD does not save you from the flames do not deviate from your position.

Begin with faith, end with faith. Until next time.


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