Praise Be To God 5/11/2017

Taking A Moment to Praise The LORD

Genesis 14:20

New International Version (NIV)

And praise be to God Most High,
    who delivered your enemies into your hand.”

Have Faith In God

Praise be to God the Father!
Whatever you are facing or going through put your faith and trust in God. I know times may get hard, but the LORD is constantly working on your behalf.

This past Saturday me and a couple of Christian soldiers went into the downtown streets of Charlotte to work. Handing out water and provisions to those who need it I realize that there are many who are in a worse off position then ourselves.

Remember Who Is With You

If it had not been for the LORD who was on our side, where would we have ended up? You may have someone plotting on you. You may have someone working against you. I implore you to stand on the Word of God. You love them in spite of their actions. You pray for them. You forgive them.


Because greater is Him (the LORD) that's in you, then the devil that dwells in them. I had this same circumstance today. People mistreated me, but I kept on loving them in spite of.

The LORD said vengeance is His. I have no right to take it from His hands. My job is to "love my neighbor as myself". My job is to "pray for my enemies". Be encouraged Church, the LORD God is with you. Praise be to Him!


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