5/1/2017- The First And The Last...

Revelation 22:13 

New International Version (NIV)

The LORD is the Alpha & Omega
13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

The LORD is the First, and the Last. Whatever you are facing, or going through remember that He is your first and last solution. He is everything.

You may be feeling down, depressed, hurt and lost. But follow the Light back home. You are asking where is home? Home is where the heart is some say.

Return to your first love. Remember the goodness of your Savior when you first came into His arms. Remember His sweet embrace when He held you and told you to cast all your cares upon Him, Jesus Christ.

The LORD is your resting place. It's time to leave the wilderness and enter the promised land. The Light of the LORD shall guide you to shore. He is with you in the midst of your storm. He is there encouraging you and speaking life within your desolate situation. 

Always trust in the LORD. For He is the Alpha, and Omega, the First and the Last.


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