The Power And The Form

Thoughts Of Power

The beginning and the ending of all things is the LORD for the person of faith. The faith of which I speak is a living one in Christ Jesus. When we think of Him within His sufferings, and his temptation and trials, we know that He exhibited power in His victory.

If we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. We attach ourselves to His power, and His sufferings allowing us to be in unison with Christ's Way. In His Way the flesh was obliterated, but the Spirit gave Him the victory in all things.

He is the King, and our example. Spiritually speaking, all things work together for the good of those who truly believe and walk after the Way of Christ. Even if those followers endure hardship, in the end our victory is not based in the physical world of matter. Our reward is in Heaven. 

So we continue to work for the spiritual riches that allow us to operate on High. It is that level, that Crown that we are seeking.

Christ is the power and the form of all truth.


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