The LORD is good

In Spite Of...

In spite of how I feel, the LORD is good. He makes sure my needs are met. Even when I ache inside, the comfort from Him gives me strength to endure, and to continue. 

People are fickle, but the LORD of Host, His love will stand forever. Things change within the cycle of time, but His Word is everlasting.

I ask my God for His comfort and strength, and not to let the enemy have his way. LORD save me from the snare of the enemy, and keep me within the shadow of your wings.

I present myself a living sacrifice to you my majestic King. Forgive me for all unrighteousness, and cleanse me  from my filth.

I will praise you, in spite of. I will thank you, in spite of. That is in spite of situation and things. Because I know it is you I look to, to save me from all evil and lukewarm things.


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