3/2/2017 The Way

"I Am The Way..."

Meditation for 3/2/2017 is on the passage of scripture below:

John 14:6
New International Version (NIV)

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The Way- Pastor P.E. Barber
The Way Of Life

I think about Him, Christ as the Way. Him being the path by which we walk. Him being the Way in which we conduct our behavior. Him helping us to walk in excellence breathing new life and experience in us in all things.

When I think about all the foolishness in the past, the way I used to act I almost shudder when I think about Christ's goodness and mercy. His "grace is sufficient" for us. It is time for me to find rest in it. Walking the straight and narrow path is the path that we are called to walk.

The Way To Be

"To be or not to be?" Is that the question? If we as Christians are to be, we are to be like Christ. We are told that He is the "life". He is the conducting principle, the vitalizing fact. Him which animates all living beings. He is the Word. 

So my life must match His life. How did He live? Not with hate in His heart. Not with darkness. Light and darkness cannot coexist in the same temple. Either we serve the LORD or the devil. It is time for us as the Church to recognize that our way must be His Way, and His Way only.

I Implore You

I implore you to seek His Way. In the beginning, we Christians were called "followers of the Way". I ask you today, are you of the Way?


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