3/1/2017 Morning Glory

Praise the Lord In 3/1/2017

Praise be to the LORD who made all things! Through Him was everything made, and by His power are all things sustained.

Today, I meditate upon the goodness of Jesus, and what He has done for me. The passage for today is below:

 2 Samuel 22:47
New International Version (NIV)

“The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock!
    Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior!

The Lord is awesome. He is your support in life. Lean on Him. Let Him be your foundation. Trust in Him. When the storms beat upon the house you build, make sure you are founded upon the Rock. All other foundations are seeking sand and will not stand in the hour of temptation.

This morning, exalt the LORD and all He has done.


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