2/28/2017 Joy Of The LORD

2/28/2017 The Joy Of The LORD Is...

Nehemiah 8:10
New International Version (NIV)

10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

joy of the lord
Joy Is A Powerful Force

In all things we give thanks this day because of the awesome opportunity we have been blessed with. When the enemy rushes in like a flood, the Lord will raise a standard. We stand our ground in spite of the various situations that try to rise against us.

We are the people of God who stand on the ground of faith. The seed of the Kingdom was planted in our heart, and we now till the ground with the Holy Spirit's help.

Why are we tilling? Because we expect a harvest. And not just any harvest, but one that is blessed beyond measure. The Lord came that we may have life "more abundantly" and it is vitally important that we hold fast to His truth. 

This Day Choose...

This very day you can choose:
  • To let the "joy of the Lord" be your strength.
  • To walk by faith and not by sight.
  • To decree a thing and it shall come to pass.
It is your choice. In your hands God has placed the power. Exercise your authority within the Kingdom and stand on the precious promises of the Word of God. Choose this day to let the joy of the LORD be your strength.


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