Meditation for the Morning

God is Great

I remember when I was a boy growing up on the southside of Charlotte I used to look in the sky.

Sometimes you would see planes as they flew through the air towards their destination. The planes were little shapes in a massive sea we call the sky.

The sky and all contained under it was formed by the LORD and is still sustained by Him. Life itself is held together by Him, without Him nothing has form or shape.

I think about how so many people talk ill of the LORD. They question whether He is real, alive, or dead. I look at all the things around me. I see how they have motion, destination; a beginning and an ending.

All things under the sun start and end. What causes this motion? A name of a law or principle will not suffice. What we call laws and principles cannot be causes because they are the product of finite minds. They are the observed reactions of beings who are subject to this created motion we call time.

Only one above the creation could have created. If it acts within a principle or law we know it has been set. Humanity follows laws. All laws we follow have been set. But the knowledge of God? It had to be revealed.

What is the revelation of this knowledge? How was it revealed? The revelation of God is in Christ Jesus. At no point has any man seen God the Father, except the Son. He is the revelation of God in the flesh. The revealing of the first cause, the supreme principle.

This morning my meditation is on the beginning and the ending. My thoughts are on Christ.

Yours in the Faith,
P.E. Barber II


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