Light of the World

We Are The Light Of The World

Light of the World
Let us walk in the Spirit, that way we may not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Those wants and desires will destroy you (the wants of the flesh).

You must run from the powers of darkness. Flee, escape, evade. This is a battle. Do not be fooled. This is why we are equipped with the power of God. This is no joke. The reality is we must walk in all the power that God has equipped us with.

Solider of Christ Stand Ready

You have been commissioned in the Army of the LORD. You are equipped with love. You are equipped with power. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. The foolishness that the world is involved in has nothing to do with you. You are a child of the living God. You are a soldier.

A soldier doesn't think about the things that please them. A soldier works to please his commanding officer. Our commanding officer is Christ. All things that are not of the Spirit, that are not pleasing to God must be sacrificed.

Soldier, press on towards the mark. Soldier, press on through the pain! Continue to walk in love. Continue to love the LORD your God with all your all. Continue to walk in victory.

P E Barber II


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