The Gospel Truth

The Gospel Truth

The  Gospel Truth-
It's strange how busy a morning can get. A Saturday morning is no different. You have to keep your ears open. You never know when you are going to hear something interesting.

For example, this morning I was in the barbershop. A lot happens in my community around a shop. You hear a lot of things. Different subjects ranging from politics, sports, and religion. A barbershop is the reflection of the community in which it is situated.

I like my shop, and here is why. My barber is a man of God, so the conversations I hear where I go elevate and inspire me. We also discuss sports, politics, but the core of things always finds its way back to... Christ.

This Morning

I like to get in and get out when I go, so I always setup an appointment. Also, I always go early hoping to get in before the crowds. When it comes to a Christ centered discussion I'm there. I love to hear the Gospel Truth.

We say Gospel Truth when we discuss other things. It could be positive things, or negative things. But many times when we use that statement it has nothing to do with the Gospel Truth of Jesus the Christ.

So when I hear it, I am thankful. A conversation from a man of God who has been there and done that is refreshing. Don't take your relationships with people for granted. The LORD has set those in your life for a purpose, a reason.

So if you tell the truth make sure if it's the Gospel Truth, Christ is at the center of it.

Yours in the faith,
P.E. Barber II 


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