The Election


Our country is entering a very interesting season. There is talk of Trump and Carson being on the same card.

As I think about politics I think about how every side seeks to take what is called the spiritual high ground.

Is it real?

Talk of religion in politics bothers some people. But, are we not a set of opinions, thoughts and beliefs? Do we not have preferences to what we enjoy and what we allow?

Politics dictate the policy of the state. When this policy is for true freedom of religion one can worship without fear of persecution or interference from the government.

There was a time when a state did not care much about freedom. The result was countless deaths of believers upon crosses, burnings, and fed to lions.

So to us politics is a serious matter. To say we don't care about them is to say we don't care about the policies that dictate how we live. Can someone truly say that doesn't matter?


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