Morning Manna- Of Might and Power

Micah 3:8
New International Version

But as for me, I am filled with power,


with the Spirit of the LORD, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin.

We Must Declare The Truth

The prince of this World has blinded the children of darkness. They cannot see. They believe the lie is truth and the truth is a lie.

Their paths are crooked, and the road they walk is broad. The ones who know the right Way are silent as they watch countless people fall off the cliff of life into the abyss of the dead.

Offenses will come. Some will be offended. But the message we preach of Christ, of His power and might is one of freedom, love, and reconciliation.

For all people must stand before the Almighty God. One day we must all face Him for judgement.

Yours in the Faith,
P.E. Barber II


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