His Morning

In His Morning...

When I rise I want to thank the LORD for providing me with another day. When I think about the many times I have fallen short, and the many times Christ has caught me all I can do is smile.

As I rise this morning I think about the soldiers that are overseas fighting for their country. I think about the countries where those who hold the testimony of Christ are being persecuted, tortured and killed for the Good News.

I pray for their strength in the LORD and for God the Father to protect them and their families in this time of crisis. When one believer is assaulted we all are. The Kingdom is still suffering violence. The blood of the innocent peoples of this planet is still being shed.

Consecrated Morning

This morning is set apart. As I bow down before His greatness I think about all that He does for us. He does for us when we do not even acknowledge Him. 

Every morning is a special fellowship between the LORD and His chosen. 

So remember to pray for me as I pray for you this morning...

May Christ peace rest, rule, and abide with and in you...

Your brother in the faith,
P.E. Barber II


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